Making a Bible Lesson Come To Life With Science

The first Bible lesson that I always teach my class is the story of Creation. This year was no exception. In order to make the story REALLY come to life this year, I wanted to add a little flair and an element of FUN to a story that many of my students have already heard.

I find that sometimes we skim over things that we “already know” and forget to dig a little deeper. In order for the students to REALLY get the depth of the story, we made gak (some of you call it goop) with my students.

We mixed cornstarch with water and added a bit of food coloring to our combination. After this, I gave each student a bowl of the mixture. We talked about how when God created, He simply said, “Let there be…..”  and the thing appeared. We had a short conversation about how out of NOTHING God created everything! I prompted my students to say to their mixture, “Let there be a GIRAFFE!”

But nothing happened.

We tried again with a different part of the creation story. My students decided to try mountains. They said, “let there be a MOUNTAIN!”

But nothing happened.

I asked them why this happened and the conversation was amazing! My students eagerly responded with, “because we are not God!” “Only God can do that!”

By adding a hands-on element to the lesson, my students are beginning to see that God is much bigger than us and much more powerful.

After the lesson, my students happily played with the gak. :)

(If you don’t work at a Christian school, this is a great science experiment to do when learning about the states of matter! Students love it. I definitely recommend doing it at a table while wearing smocks though because it is a tad bit messy! To make the mixture you need 1 cup of cornstarch and a 1/2 cup of water. )

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