A new world

Hello everyone! It’s been a long time and for that, I apologize! I promise to get back to blogging at least once a week starting NOW! :) The last two months have been an absolute whirlwind. As you know, in June, I packed up my car (and a HUGE truck) and moved from Austin back to the Boston area. I thought I had all my ducks in a row and that I would move into my house and start working at the school that I used to work at; however, that didn’t quite work out the way that I intended it to work. I ended up looking for a new job that would better fit my teaching style and philosophy and I am SO excited and glad that I did. I got hired at a new school that I absolutely love. The philosophy and support at this new school is something I could only dream about. I got hired as a kindergarten teacher and am joining a fabulous team. I started setting up my classroom last week and am looking forward to the start of a new school year.

The biggest change (you know, on top of learning all new curriculum, procedures and protocols)  has to be the location of the school. Originally, when I purchased my house, I was only going to have a 10 minute commute. However, now, I am looking at commuting about an hour and a half each way. I am still trying to figure out the best way to manage this and it seems as if taking the train is going to be the best way into the city. I’ll admit, I actually really like taking the train! It’s nice to just sit down and read and relax while the conductor does all the work! It also avoids me getting stuck in Boston traffic! (which is NOT fun to drive in!!) Also this will give me time to blog after school! :)

The other day, I brought my camera with me to school to give you a glimpse into my new location. To me, it’s amazingly beautiful.

As soon as I get off the train, I have about a 20 minute walk to get to work. That walk includes walking through part of downtown Boston (LOVE!) and then walking through the Public Garden which is INCREDIBLE.


The Public Garden is an absolutely beautiful park. It is well maintained and always has fun things to look at. The landscape is gorgeous and I love watching the runners run through and the people reading on the benches. It puts a smile on my face every day.


I also love the historic elements in the garden.


How amazing was sky this day?!?!


I have a TON of pictures on my camera of the AMAZING flowers, but I won’t overwhelm you. All along the garden are different pockets of flowers. I loved the way these purple wild flowers looked in front of the pond!


After work I decided to explore some of the side streets near where I work and was able to take a few pictures of some of the Boston buildings and churches


Life may look VERY different than I expected when I moved back to this area; however, I could not be happier. I am so excited to start this new journey at this new school and am excited to share all about what is going on in my new classroom.  I hope that you are all doing well and that if you started school already that you are having a GREAT start of your school year.
